May 20, 2021
AZ Economist: Withdrawal of Pandemic Benefits Could Hurt Arizonans
In This News Story: Jim Rounds

KJZZ News – AZ Economist: Withdrawal of Pandemic Benefits Could Hurt Arizonans

Gov. Doug Ducey recently joined several other Republican governors in deciding that they’ll soon stop accepting federal money to supplement state unemployment payments. Instead, Ducey announced a plan that will offer bonuses to out of work Arizonans who get new jobs by Sept. 6.

But for people still looking for positions or at home without a job, Arizona’s weekly unemployment outlay of $240 per week — one of the lowest in the nation — remains a concern. Two competing pieces of legislation could change that, but neither has moved recently at the Capitol.

To learn more about Arizona and unemployment, The Show spoke with economist Jim Rounds of Rounds Consulting.



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