May 23, 2016
Will Signs of Stronger Economic Growth in Southern Arizona Continue?
In This News Story: Rounds Consulting

The Tucson region has struggled in recent years, not only with budget issues, but also with basic economic growth. Until recently, being dependent on defense industry spending has helped the region sustain higher wage jobs. Now, this has become a major risk to the broader region maintaining its economic base…

The Tucson region has struggled in recent years, not only with budget issues, but also with basic economic growth. Until recently, being dependent on defense industry spending has helped the region sustain higher wage jobs. Now, this has become a major risk to the broader region maintaining its economic base. Economic development efforts have been proactive, but it takes time to yield additional economic growth. Public support for these ongoing economic development activities needs to continue, and public support for infrastructure projects needs to develop. The most recent employment data coming out of the region shows some promise. The question is: will this continue? Check out George Hammond’s economic event to get a better picture of current and projected activity in the region.

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Post by: Jim Rounds






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