April 20, 2022
Arizona Has a Surplus. How Will Lawmakers Spend it?
In This News Story: Jim Rounds

AZ Public Media – Arizona Has a Surplus. How Will Lawmakers Spend it?

House Republican leaders this week put forward a so-called “skinny budget” — basically, proposing to keep last year’s budget in place with adjustments for inflation and population growth.

While sold as a way of clearing the path for agreement on more complex and politically touchy subjects that could jam up a budget in a narrowly divided Legislature, there is no indication this plan may actually pass.

Gov. Doug Ducey is not on board. Neither are Democrats.

For one thing, it wouldn’t touch much of an approximately $5 billion budget surplus.

Democrats want to use more of that money for public education. The governor has set out some big plans too on issues like water.

AZPM spoke with economist Jim Rounds about the state’s budget outlook and how long this surplus might last.


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